CII Virtual Session on "8D Problem Solving Methodology"

CII Virtual Session on "8D Problem Solving Methodology"

Context Setting

Complex problems arising every day from cross-functional disciplines in the work environment can wreak havoc and affect your bottom line if the root cause is not identified quickly and correctly. The problems usually persist and recur periodically, failing any preventive actions or due to limitations in the problem-solving approach of the untrained individual.

8D is a highly structured, problem-solving tool perpetuated by FORD and is used by effective managers across the world in problems pertaining to Product/Process Quality as well as non-technical - Management / Marketing zones. It comprises 8 steps and follows the PDCA logic.

This method aims to find the root cause of the problem, develop interim and permanent containment actions to protect the customer, and take actions to prevent the recurrence of the problem.

CII Naoroji Godrej Centre of Manufacturing Excellence (CII CME) is organising a 2-day Virtual Session on this crucial topic of 8D Problem Solving Methodology on 25th & 26th March 2025 (Tuesday & Wednesday), from 02:00 p.m. to 06:00 p.m. all days. 


Tool kit required to complete an 8D problem solving report

Action points for each section of 8D problem solving report

Apply 8D problem solving on the shop floor

Propagate structured thinking and problem solving

You will have the necessary skills required to become an adept 8D practitioner, prepared to lead and facilitate effective problem-solving activities and teams 

Key Takeaways

Learn a Toolkit to solve quality problems.

A structured approach to problem-solving.

Use of Seven QC tools.

Knowledge of Is/Is not analysis

Construct a problem statement in a concise manner.

Process Mapping.

Develop Interim containment and Permanent Corrective actions for Quality problems.

Learn the application of tools like Criteria Matrix, Payoff Matrix, IOTV matrix, etc

Participation Fees

Special Discount

• 5% on 2 nominations from an organization

• 10% on 3 or more nominations from an organization

Type of Organization

Fees per Participant

CII Small Scale Members (SSI)

     Rs 7,000/- + 18% GST

CII Large and Medium Scale Members

     Rs 8,000/- + 18% GST

Non-Member Companies of CII

     Rs 9,000/- + 18% GST


Mr. Anand K Deshpande, 33+ Years of Experience in Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma.

Who Should Attend / Target Audience

  • Heads (Engineering / Production / IT / Automation & Robotics)
  • Plant Heads / Factory Heads
  • Heads of R&D / Research Engineers
  • CIOs / CTOs
  • Middle & Senior level managers in Production / Operations / Planning / Purchase / Supply Chain / Quality / Maintenance / Industrial Engineering / Process Engineering


Virtually through MS Teams
