CII Learning Mission on "Manufacturing Excellence & Smart Manufacturing to Pune, Maharashtra"

CII Learning Mission on "Manufacturing Excellence & Smart Manufacturing to Pune, Maharashtra"

Context Setting

CII has scheduled a 2-day Learning Mission on Manufacturing Excellence & Smart Manufacturing on 27th & 28th February 2025 to Pune, which is a prominent industrial hub in Maharashtra.  

Context: India is currently one of the world's fastest-growing economies and is steadily advancing toward becoming a global manufacturing hub. This aligns with the Government of India’s "Make in India" initiative, which aims to increase the manufacturing sector's contribution to GDP to 25% by 2025.

The manufacturing sector today holds huge untapped potential and promises to become a super-engine for economic growth and jobs.

The Visit would entail a corporate overview, a presentation on manufacturing practices by the company followed by plant visits and interaction.

Companies to be visited:


Date and Timing

Companies to be visited

Day 1

Thursday, 27th February 2024

Morning (09.30 a.m. to 01:00 p.m.)

Afternoon (02.30 p.m. to 05:30 p.m.)


Gabriel India Limited

ADVIK Hi-Tech Private Limited

Day 2

Friday, 28th February 2024

Morning (09.30 a.m. to 01:00 p.m.)


Mercedes-Benz India Private Limited


  • Understand and learn through immersive Manufacturing Best Practices followed by the top manufacturing companies.
  • Get introduced to a 360-degree view of Manufacturing.
  • focus on transformation from a small ‘m’ (production mainly) to a big ‘M’ (concerning various domains impacting manufacturing) concept.
  • Get an insight, learn about the technological strengths, and understand how to cultivate, shape, and rejuvenate their company’s manufacturing capabilities.
  • Insights into leveraging advanced technologies like IoT, robotics, and big data analytics to enhance production efficiency and quality.
  • Real-world observations of smart manufacturing systems, automation, and adaptive technologies driving manufacturing excellence.

Key Takeaways

The visit would entail a corporate overview, a presentation on manufacturing practices by the company followed by plant visits and interaction.

Participation Fees

Type of Organization

Fees per Participant

CII Members

Rs 15,000/- + 18% GST

CII Non-Members

Rs 17,000/- + 18% GST

Special Discount:

• 10% on 3 or more nominations from an organization

Who Should Attend / Target Audience

  • Plant Head/Factory Head, Heads of R&D / Research Engineers.
  • Senior and Middle level Managers, Engineers, Supervisors.
  • CTO, Senior Technical Personnel Engineers supervisors, Process Specialists.
  • Senior Technicians involved in Maintenance and Production Engineering.
  • Industrial and Process Engineers, Total Quality Management (TQM)
  • R&D Professionals from industries
  • Products and Services providers in Smart Manufacturing Space / System Integrators / Consultants.
